As a mid-sized company in IT, we have a responsibility regarding climate change and our environmental impact. Actively reducing our digital footprint, we’re engaged in Green IT and eco-design. Our eco-responsible approach is through our practices and workspace, as well as by raising awareness for our employees and ecosystem: suppliers and customers. With Reforest'Action, we lead carbon offsetting projects (Brazil, Indonesia, and Cambodia) and three forest sponsorship projects in South Africa, Mexico, and the Ivory Coast.

1 300
arbres plantés ou préservés
crédits carbone financés
réductions d’émissions Label bas-carbone financées

Bénéfices estimés des arbres plantés ou préservés

teqCO2 estimées sur 30 ans
3 900
abris pour animaux crées
5 200
mois d'oxygène générés
1 300
heures de travail créées
MEGA International

Founded in 1991, MEGA International is a French software editor present on 5 continents, global market leader for over 10 years. MEGA accompanies organizations of all sectors in their business and IT governance and transformation projects. Through our software solutions and services teams, MEGA helps enterprises make the right decisions, leaning on the big picture view of how the organization operates, and a pragmatic approach for a rapid return on investment.

Actualités de Reforest'Action



15 min

Au cœur de la conception d’un projet d’agriculture régénératrice

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09 min

La Maison Hennessy s’engage sur les terres du Mont Kenya : un projet aux multiples facettes

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03 min

Restituer l'impact des projets NbS : lancement de notre plateforme MRV

La digitalisation de notre processus de pilotage de l’impact et le développement d’une plateforme MRV (Measurement, Reporting & Verification) son...

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