Like all socially responsible companies, Ingenico is on a journey of many small steps to help address the climate emergency. From the way we design and make our hardware, to our focus on cutting air freight and travel, we are adapting every part of our business. Planting trees is more than symbolic; every tree has a direct impact. That’s why we have chosen Reforest’Action as our partner for this project. One tree won’t save the planet, but we believe that a thousand positive changes across every business and industry really can make the difference

arbres plantés ou préservés

Bénéfices estimés des arbres plantés ou préservés

teqCO2 estimées sur 30 ans
abris pour animaux crées
mois d'oxygène générés
heures de travail créées

As a global leader in payments acceptance solutions, it is our responsibility to actively engage with and contribute to the world around us. We firmly believe that this can only be achieved by being aware of our surroundings and actively participating in it. With sustainability at the heart of our strategy, Ingenico is committed to providing customers with increased trust, greater prevention, enhanced solidarity, and a stronger environmental commitment. We strive to integrate sustainable solutions that bring collective benefits, fostering a more sustainable future for all.

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Actualités de Reforest'Action



03 min

Restituer l'impact des projets NbS : lancement de notre plateforme MRV

La digitalisation de notre processus de pilotage de l’impact et le développement d’une plateforme MRV (Measurement, Reporting & Verification) son...

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08 min

Stratégie climat : en quoi la restauration des écosystèmes est-elle une opportunité d’investissement ?

Lors de la 17e édition du salon Produrable (9-10 octobre 2024, Paris), Reforest’Action et son investisseur et partenaire blisce/ ont interrogé l’...

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09 min

Que sont les Solutions fondées sur la Nature ?

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